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Размене ученика

Конкурс за размене ученика 2016/2017.

Обавештавамо вас да је расписан Конкурс за програме размене у 2016/2017, као и Конкурс за стипендије за Мексико, Тајланд, Костарику и Мађарску. Више информација на Интеркултуриној страници

Да ли сте отворени за нова искуства?

Да ли је нека породица наших ученика заинтересована да прими ђака из Бразила (Cristino, 1999 годиште), који је на размени ученика, од фебруара 2016. до децембра 2016.?

Детаљније информације можете добити од професорице шпанског и у педагошко – психолошкој служби.

Писмо у ком се ученик представља породици домаћину:

I´m very excited to introduce myself to my host Family. My name is Rodrigo, I’m 16 years old, we are 5 people in the family. Angelo, my father who’s 48 and works in a bank, my mother Alcilene, who’s 42 and works for the state and two sisters who are 11 and 19. My grandparents are alive and I have many uncles and cousins. Our family is very united. I consider myself a very sociable person, with not so many friends, but true ones. I’m kind, humble, emotive, always curious and open to new things, and very dedicated to do things I’m willing to.
I participate a lot in the family, always helping in the house chores. We always have an open dialogue and when I ask for advice it’s mostly about my professional future. I consider myself different from my younger sister, because she has no interest in sports and things like that, but I’m not so different from my older sister, who I have a great friendship with, we often go out together to parties, because the age difference is not so big.
I think I’m a responsible and trustable person, having my own opinions for myself, however I still have a lot to learn.
In my daily life, I’m always seeking for productive things to do, as I’ve been focusing on my exchange now and as I don’t need to study to enter in university yet, I’ve been helping with the house chores, reading some
book, watching documentaries about polemic facts nowadays, studying Serbian language, seeing my friends and practicing sports, such as jogging, skateboarding which I’ve been practicing since I was 11. Lately I’ve been very interested in fitness center, not just because it’s healthy, but by understanding all the ideology in relation to the body results.
Culturally, I love visiting museums and a country history as well as new countries and regions. I love listening to reggae, rap and techno musics. They make me feel good .
I’m very open about religions, I like to know the theories and beliefs of every religion and I believe that none is wrong, but they are meant to improve the spirituality of each one. I think it’s important to believe something beyond this life, because for me, all my learning and knowledge in life would make no sense, if there was nothing. Nowadays
I’ve been attending some SEICHO-No-IE meetings. It’s a life philosophy which studies the essence of the main religions.
For my future, I imagine myself studying law and later, working for the state, nervertheless, I think this exchange can totally change my opinions about my professional life.
What most motivated me to go on an exchange was my sister’s and cousin’s experiences, who have gone to Taiwan and Germany and also because my own family, because we have hosted 2 exchange students.
I can see how much their lives have changed after it through what I’ve heard from them. They so miss their host families, friends and city where they lived.
By knowing that the serbians have a great personality, are open and sociable, I’m so excited to know my new family and city and really hope to enjoy the most possible whatever I can from this year and I hope it to be an unique experience.